The legendary Lightning Trigger LT3 - Made In The USA!

Price: Check Seasonal Availability - Cable not included.
Item not available during peak season!
Item Number: LT3
Manufacturer: Stepping Stone Products, LLC
Manufacturer Part No: LT3
Ships via insured Priority (US) or Express Mail (Intl/US) - signature required.
The Lightning Trigger LT-3 features Unparalleled Performance:
• Patented Automatic Gain Control provides constant sensitivity day or night -- no old technology knobs-sliders-switches to fumble with
• Responds to IR remotes, flash strobes, canon flash, laser light, and just about any flash source - while being immune to ordinary household lighting - can also be used to trigger flash strobes for stop action and remote flash photography
• Comes with 9V alkaline battery, instruction booklet and a 15-year guarantee
• Each unit is 100% quality tested

Capture the Lightning Landscape - the FIRST FLASH, the flash you see - when it happens - in any condition from the brightest sunshine to the darkest night!

Only the Imagination Required!

*Free Cable offer applies to Lightning Trigger LT-IV orders only for Sony mirrorless & DSLR, Canon, Nikon, Panasonic, Hasselblad, Fuji, Pentax, Olympus cameras. There will be an extra charge for Leica and Mamiya cameras and non-standard cables. For replacement and additional cables, please order from the R&A Cables link. Please specify the primary camera that you will be using during the checkout process!
Visit for information on compatible camera models.

For additional quantities, or commercial sales, please contact us at (970) 799-4845, or